Power Tools: A Smart Buy with GES
American power tool users match the buying habits of automotive enthusiasts: performance is vital, but brand loyalty remains the single most crucial factor in future purchases. Upon discovering the Tesla Tri-Motor Cybertruck has near twice the horsepower and torque of the F-150 Raptor, does a Ford enthusiast then make the exchange? Unlikely. To the All-American Pick-up Truck driver, a Tesla is off brand; probably it looks like less of a car and more like a smartphone on wheels. At first, it doesn't seem the logical choice, but brand loyalty isn't formed on just blind faith— in this case, brand loyalty shapes our automotive and tool inventory. A garage stocked with equipment designed for maintaining combustion engines does not have the infrastructure for battery-powered motors; that alone is a hefty expense to update. Likewise, would a Ridgid loyalist be likely to settle on a Ryobi Power Drill? We know the possible answer. So, perhaps the question we should be asking instead is what it would take to make the user choose performance over branded convenience.
Compatibility is one major issue for the consumer while benefiting competing tool manufacturers. Batteries on portable models differ in size, voltage, amperage; the lack of a universal charging style creates a significant inconvenience to the user. With expensive industrial brands charging separately for the battery and the machine, the price of purchasing from two or more brands has increased exponentially. But batteries are just one facet of power tool expenses. Buyers looking for power tools with greater capability and versatility may elect to buy accessories specific to their tool brand: torque wrench heads, drill bits, grinder wheels, and more. Even corded power tools fall victim to the distributor price-tag game where accessories are concerned. In effect, budgets and convenience pigeonhole us into a brand monopoly.
Contractors looking to reap any benefit may jump at bulk-sale options direct from the manufacturer. Dong this allows a small discount on unit prices when outfitting your crew. However, brand-specific purchases limit need-specific buying: you buy based on the seller's stock instead of buying from the seller based on your individual needs. Competition between brands means no two tools are the same. While one manufacturer may offer the power you need with less durable materials, another supplier may have sacrificed some output with the weight of sturdier construction. Even seasoned contractors with fewer reservations within their budget will want to save on costs. Still, it is ever so more imperative to small and growing companies to pinch that extra penny. Can a consumer justify the expense of a new brand when their household name offers a cheaper compromise? The conventional model of tool-buying does not benefit the consumer.
We must also consider the life expectancy of our tools. Power tools, in particular, those used in construction and heavy-industrial applications, are designed to withstand impact and regular use but often lose efficacy and power quickly from project to project. Frequent replacement of damaged tools is a factored expense for many contractors. Manufacturers' sales increase with their turnover, making the power tool market expand to over 25 billion dollars in the United States in 2020. It's not just an economic waste for the consumer. Landfill waste from the construction industry—including used tools and equipment— continues to be a major environmental issue for the United States.
It is an economic and environmental waste.
There is, however, a smart alternative. Used, reconditioned, and surplus tools from General Equipment and Supply (GES) provide an economical and environmentally sustainable alternative to the manufacturer. What was once a niche market for small businesses looking to save some change has become an industry-wide trend. Used retailers open up professionals to a market with a financial incentive to be conscious consumers. At prices 50% or more discounted from the distributor and big-box store, GES is more than competitive. Of course, like the Ford owner, sometimes our attachment to brands stems from real trust and commitment. Browse our site to find deals on brands you love, like Greenlee, Dewalt, Hougen, Miller, Ridgid, and more. Take advantage of our prices to explore your options for your next project.
GES offers an additional service for contractors and project-based businesses: call our professional sales team about job site disposition services. Our GES team will buy your tools, equipment, and materials. We clear the entire site, saving you transportation costs and time at the project's end. Make a tidy profit from your used and non-operational gear. Our experienced production department works to recondition tools and equipment year-round so you can find the right tool for the job at the right price. All reconditioned tools and equipment come with a 1-year operational warranty. Just want a repair? We do that too.
When it comes to power tools, industrial equipment, rentals, and offices on the go, GES is your one-stop-shop for value-added reconditioned tools and equipment.