Looking for a secure storage box? Construction sites are dotted with them. Secure storage is a must-have for storing tools on the worksite, providing the security and convenience today's contractors rely on. Their popularity across the industry led to companies developing various models and custom features, including electric ports, gas strut-supported hoods, caster attachments, interchangeable shelves, television and computer nooks, and much more. Need a fully equipped workstation on the go? Try the Knaack 119 Print Shack, one of Knaack Brand's largest models designed around the need to store sensitive files alongside your high-end tools. Of course, nothing beats the versatility of the classic gang box chest. All major equipment brands carry their version of this fundamental design.

Battle of the Brands: Secure Storage
Between Jobox, Greenlee, and Knaack, the Jobox brand is undoubtedly the most expensive of the three, owing to its reputation for sturdy construction and durable craftsmanship. Its recessed lock is similar to the patented Knaack locking system, preventing theft from breaking the lock. You'll find many standard features for this model of gang box on the Jobox Site Vault, including the beveled edge lid and pull-out handles on each side of the box. The streamlined exterior surface of this gang box makes the Jobox Site-Vault ideal for long-term storage. Place the Jobox alongside other tools or containers in your larger storage unit without losing space from obstructing handles or hardware found on other boxes. Jobox's durable and ingenious craftsmanship has come about from a legacy of design research and development. Unique to this model are the lock support arms that lift and hold the piano-style lid: precise and straightforward mechanics can hold your lid upright where other hydraulic lifts could fail over time. Take advantage of Jobox's anti-tip design for installing casters: make your storage chest mobile without tipping it over for installation. This helpful feature allows users to add casters to the box even when complete.
Jobox Crescent Site-Vault 48” Chest
The Jobox Cresent Site-Vault may come in various sizes, but no brand offers more size and customization options than Knaack. Knaack branding is focused entirely on secure storage technology. The Knaack Jobmaster 4824's piano hinge runs the entire back of the lid, leaving no room for a thief to wedge a pry bar. Tight seams not only prevent theft but also keep your tools protected no matter the weather while shut inside. A hidden lock and recessed handles offer similar benefits to the Jobox Site-Vault, but Knaack offers safety-engineering at more affordable prices at a fraction of the cost. Pre-drilled holes allow users to attach casters to the bottom of the chest, while cut-outs on either side of the box allow for easy attachment to a crane or Roust-a-bout. Knaack's chests are made from solid steel material and incredibly durable for use on the worksite. When closed, Knaack chests can double as a workbench! Both the Knaack 4824 and Jobox Site-Vault allow ample storage with 16 cubic feet per unit: upgrade to the Knaack Storage Master 69 to double your storage space without doubling the price tag.
Knaack Jobmaster 4824
Greenlee may be best known for its premium line of bending machines. However, this brand does offer options for secure storage. Greenlee's design and concept are remarkably similar to its competitors, like Knaack and Jobox that focus exclusively on hold. The Greenlee 2448 matches the storage capacity of the Jobox Site Vault and Knaack Jobmaster chests. Utilize the added storage tray on the back wall of the Greenlee Chest for convenient small-item storage. Steel supported arms hold the lid in the open position, locking into one place only. Compared to the Jobox with multiple locking positions, or the Knaack with hydraulic lifts, the Greenlee Chest offers basic features at lower market prices. Unfortunately, casters are not an option for the Greenlee 2448. Access the basic features of secure storage with the economic Greenlee 2448 model.
Greenlee 2448 Chest
GES carries your preferred brands in secure storage that you need for your next project. Save more than 50% when you buy reconditioned from GES. At General Equipment and Supply, we carry reconditioned, used, and like-new gang boxes from Standard, Ridgid, Jobox, Greenlee, and Knaack. Our production experts do not narrow their focus on a single brand but focus on optimizing your preferred products to operational condition. All reconditioned tools and equipment come with a 1-year operational warranty. Ask about our customization options for bulk orders.