For most Americans, a trip to the mechanic is like a trip to the dentist: you drag yourself in once a year for the necessary cleaning, or in the case of your F-150 you sacrifice your lunch break waiting in line for an oil change. However, every so often, as is the case with complex machines, something breaks. A leak in your coolant line causes your wallet to hemorrhage hard earned cash. A nail through your tire pops a hole in your weekend plans. Did the engine light flash hello? Well, say hello to your mechanic’s OBD reader and its diagnosis fee that is somehow additional to the cost of the actual repair. Necessary repairs add up quickly on an invoice.

Your Mechanic's Secret to Saving Money
Contrary to how it feels, your mechanic isn’t running a carefully orchestrated scam to spend all your money while you flip through— how even old are these?!— dog-eared magazines in the lobby. You’re paying for knowledge, intensive labor, chemical waste disposal, and even the specialized tools your mechanic uses to get your set of wheels back on the open road. In light of their overhead cost to the run the shop, the mechanic’s fees are reasonable. The high cost of outfitting your garage has stopped many vehicle enthusiasts in their tracks. How do D.I.Y. mechanics source and save money on the right equipment they need to get the job done at home?
There is one secret Mechanics in the southeastern United States know. Buying tools and equipment new quickly eats into your budget, whereas buying lower-cost used items from an unverified seller can land you with faulty tools. Don’t throw your dollars out the window just to see which way the wind blows. Mechanics know that General Tools and Supply (GES) sells reliable, reconditioned tools and equipment. Find basic tools to get cracking on your project car, or even tune-up your daily driver without stepping a foot in your local shop.
Jack Stands are a must-have for mechanic work when it comes to safety and convenience. Position jacks under the vehicle near each wheel to keep your car safely raised up if your hydraulic Jack lift fails. Rolling jacks on casters are excellent for handling bulky car exhaust pipes prior to installation. Find sets of industrial jacks and pipe stands at prices more than 50% off the retailer. Quality jack stands are key risk prevention tools when operating under a large vehicle. Able to hold over 2,500lbs, industrial jack stands are optimal for automotive use.
The value of specialty automotive tools warrants strong theft protection. Keep your tools safe from theft and damage in the garage with Knaack locking gang boxes. Customizable shelving and pry-proof doors keep your tools organized and worry-free. GES refurbishes Knaack boxes to prime condition. Ask our sales team about custom color options for bulk orders, as well as customizable options provided by our knowledgeable production team.
You can’t tell a mechanic that changing the oil on a car isn’t a workout. Fixing cars is physically demanding. Combined with humid, summer weather and the heat of heavy machinery, the garage becomes unbearable. Extra large fans from our inventory can easily bring airflow to a stagnant workspace. Or for an indoor to outdoor application, Port-A-Cools replace expensive air conditioning units for more than half the price, consuming significantly less energy to operate.
Roust-a-Bouts never loose their popularity. Who doesn’t want to lift an entire engine out of the bonnet without breaking a sweat? Some enthusiasts like getting elbows deep in engine grease and oil, but no amateur or professional mechanic wants to slip a disc. Hoist your engine up and leave it hanging out of the way, or roll it to your workshop. Read more about Roust-A-Bouts on the GES Knowledge Base here: Rockin’ Around with Roust-A-Bouts..
If you find yourself working multiple projects and frequently filling up your catch pan, investing in a large non-potable tank can save you time and money in the long term. Schedule to have your chemical waste picked up once regularly. No more back-and-forth trips to your local auto parts store to dispose of used coolant and engine oil are needed.
Today, hydraulics and electric powered equipment have replaced conventional hand tools for accurate, efficient work. However, long extension cords can dilute amperage and reduce the power of electric tools. Extend your outlet source with a Spider Box, ensuring even power output, multiple outlet formats, and surge protection for your equipment.
The best tools are always needed to get the job done right. Don’t waste money on lower-end equipment from strip-mall retailers. If you’re looking to outfit your home garage, or a small business looking to grow, take advantage of your mechanic’s secret method to save on essential tools by buying premium reconditioned quality tools and equipment from GES.