Junior Achievement Internship


General Equipment & Supply, an exciting company, is looking for interns to join our team of skilled craftsman in building items from scratch, remanufacturing and repairing of construction tools and equipment.

Our employees are hard-working, smart and creative and they are looking for interns to train to participate in all the many positions such as welding, small engine repair and all types of remanufacturing.

The interns hired for this position should expect to learn many facets of remanufacturing and will leave this position with invaluable skills and industry knowledge. Also, this internship program is highly regarded in our field, so successful participation will be a great addition to your resume.


Things you will Learn

  • Learn to work safely
  • Production line work
  • Optimize assembly flow and process
  • Taking inventory
  • Materials inspection
  • Quality control


Must be 16 years old. Applicants should be interested in working with their hands in a manufacturing shop environment. Will need a pair of steel toe shoes to work in the shop.

Majors or Interests

Welding, Manufacturing, Machine Tool, Engine Repair & Construction

After School & Summer Job

After completing your internship, you will have the opportunity to explore and after school or summer job that pays a competitive rate.

Per the LLR of SC, below are the working requirements for minors aged 16 and 17:

MINORS AGES 16, 17 and Older

Minors ages 16 and older are exempt from the hour and scheduling restrictions. These minors may work as many daily and weekly hours as the job responsibilities require or the employer requests. Minors ages 16 and 17 may not engage in any occupation deemed hazardous, as defined under the 17 Hazardous Occupations Orders of the Fair Labor Standards Act. (See list below.)

If you are 16 or 17 years old, you may work in any occupation except those declared hazardous by the Secretary of Labor. The 17 Hazardous Occupations Orders for non-farm work deal with the following:

  1. Manufacturing or storing explosives
  2. Driving a motor vehicle and being an outside helper
  3. Coal mining
  4. Logging and saw-milling
  5. Power-driven woodworking machines
  6. Exposure to radioactive substances and to ionizing radiations
  7. Power-driven hoisting apparatus
  8. Power-driven metal-forming, punching, and shearing machines
  9. Mining, other than coal mining
  10. Meat packing or processing
  11. Power-driven bakery machines
  12. Power-driven paper products machines
  13. Manufacturing brick, tile, and related products
  14. Power-driven circular saws, band saws, and guillotine shears
  15. Wrecking, demolition, and ship-breaking operations
  16. Roofing operations
  17. Excavation operations